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Datos personales

Mi foto
I am a sweet and gentle woman. I wish to share interesting things and make bigger my group of friends.

domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2017


 (Questions about you)

o    Tell me about yourself?
o    How do/would your friends describe you?
o    What is the most interesting thing you've done in the past three years?
o    What do you want me to know about you that isn't on your résumé?
o    Tell me about an interesting article you recently read in the newspaper.
o    What’s the last non-school related book you read? What did you learn from this book?
o    What kinds of tasks and responsibilities motivate you the most?
o    Why should I hire you and not the next candidate who walks in the door?
o    Do you prefer to work with others or on your own?
o    What is your greatest strength? Weakness?
o    How do you convert your Weaknesses in to your Strengths?
o    Where do you see yourself in five years?

 (Questions about your qualifications)

o    What do you know about this Company or enterprise?
o    Why do you want to work here? Why should I hire you?
o    Do you have the skills to work in this position/company?
o    What specific skills have you acquired or used in previous jobs that related to this position?
o    Tell me about what you learned from your previous jobs and internships.
o    What did you like/dislike about your last job?
o    What is your biggest accomplishment?
o    Describe your leadership/communication/coordinating/etc style?

(Questions about your education)

o    Why did you choose to study ___?(use your own career-profession)
o    Describe the course that has had the greatest impact on your thinking.
o    What courses did you enjoy the most? Least?
o    Tell me about your extracurricular activities during school. What do you believe you have gained from these experiences?
o    What do you look for in this job? 
o    What do you think is the hardest part of working for people younger/older than you?
o    What motivates you?
o    What do you think of your boss?

o     Most of these questions were taken from:

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