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Mi foto
I am a sweet and gentle woman. I wish to share interesting things and make bigger my group of friends.

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2020

Clothing Vocabulary Chant for Kids by ELF Learning

Clothes & Accessories Vocabulary

Before doing the activities suggested by the teacher in her guide, review the writing and the way to pronunciate each word in order to remember their meaning too.

Reglas Y Uso De ING En Ingles - Como Formar Gerundio En Ingles- Lección ...

After learning the rules for the ING do the practice suggested by the teacher in the guide for the 4th term.

Uso y Reglas de ING - Oraciones Presente Progresivo o Continuo En Ingle...

Prepositions of place for kids Vide...

What is a preposition of place?

A preposition of place gives  you the ability to tell others where something is located.

Kids vocabulary - Body - parts of the body - Learn English for kids - En...


Aprenda Grado 1 | EVS | Partes del cuerpo para niños | Sala de niños

Do a list of all the vocabulary related in this video, in your notebook,  to learn the way they are written.

Number song 1-100 Count to 100 song Counting numbers

Enjoy this video, do the pronunciation practice in order to remember your writing too.

lunes, 20 de julio de 2020

FRUTAS en INGLÉS para niños (Fruits in english)

Repeat the pronunciation of each fruit and try to practice its writing.  If you want,  draw and paint them, so you will remember the words very easy.

7°- (third term-tercer período) DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES, Como Usar This That These Those - En Oraciones Negativas e #14

Pay attention to the explanations and to the examples. They will help you to solve the 4 first items in the lesson plan given by the teacher related with this topic.

7°-(third term-tercer período) Como Usar This That These Those – Adjetivos y Pronombres Demostrativos E...(video #13)

Watch this video to get the general uses of these four special words before to solve the items 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the lesson plan given by the teacher. Pay attention to the examples.

7°- (third term-tercer periodo)Como Usar Do y Does En Ingles - Oraciones Affirmativas y Negativas Con ...

Remember to watch the video  of simple present- affirmative ,with the rules for the verbs in third singular nouns or pronouns. Here you can find examples of that,  in order to review some special considerations of the topic we have seen in class too.

6°-7° (third term- tercer período) Clothes & Accessories Vocabulary

Dear children! This is an important vocabulary, try to remember not only the way to write the words but the meanings for each one of them.

6° and 7° grades. (third term). Places Vocabulary in English

Here you can find the most representative places of a city and short definitions about each one of them. Try to remember not only the way or writing but their meanings and the definitions.

6°- tercer período-Uso De There Is y There Are - Oraciones Con There Is y There Are - Lecc...

Please watch this video before to do the item number 5 in the lesson plan given by the teacher.

6°- (tercer período) Cómo usar el verbo TO BE en oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interroga...

Review of AFFIRMATIVE, QUESTIONS AND NEGATIVE SENTENCES.Pay attention to the contracted ways.

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020


Presente Simple en Ingles - Simple Present Tense – Oraciones y Ejercicio...

You must watch this video for solving the item number 6 or the practice of simple present, in the lesson plan( 7th grade- second term).Pay special attention to all the rules in order you can do the evaluation(item 7) in a right way.

Feelings and emotions. VOCABULARY AND SENTENCES

You must watch this video for solving the items numbers 6 and 7 in the lesson plan( 6th grade- second term) and for a review of vocabulary in  different other groups). 
Use your dictionaries to look for the meanings of each word in order to do the translation of the complete sentences.

Learn Feelings and Emotions for Kids -VOCABULARY-

You must watch this video for solving the item number 6 in the lesson plan( 6th grade- second term) and for a review of vocabulary in  different other groups).

Occupations Flashcards For Children - English Vocabulary for Kids - ELF ...

You must watch this video for solving the item number 8 in the lesson plan( 6th grade- second term) and for a review of vocabulary in  different other groups).

lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Aprende en inglés los Pronombres Personales (Personal Pronouns)

ESTANDAR BASICO DE COMPETENCIA: Comprendo textos cortos de cierta dificultad sobre actividades cotidianas, de mi interés, sobre otras asignaturas y mi entorno social.
DBA: Escribe textos cortos y sencillos sobre acciones, experiencias y planes que le son familiares.

Hobbies Vocabulary and Pattern Practice for Kids (I like ~ / I love ~ ) ...

ESTANDAR BÁSICO DE COMPETENCIA: Comprendo textos cortos de cierta dificultad sobre actividades cotidianas, de mi interés, sobre otras asignaturas y mi entorno social.
DBA: Escribe textos cortos y sencillos sobre acciones, experiencias y planes que le son familiares.

Action Words | Talking Flashcards

ESTANDAR BÁSICO DE COMPETENCIA: Comprendo textos cortos de cierta dificultad sobre actividades cotidianas, de mi interés, sobre otras asignaturas y mi entorno social.
DBA: Escribe textos cortos y sencillos sobre acciones, experiencias y planes que le son familiares.
1.     Repasar el vocabulario  correspondiente a: VERBOS PARA ACCIONES EN EL TIEMPO LIBRE.
to dance
to draw
to chat
to cook
to drive
to hike
dar una caminata, hacer senderismo
to listen to music
escuchar música
to phone a friend
llamar a un amigo por teléfono
to play basketball
jugar al baloncesto
to play billiards
jugar al billar
to play bowling
jugar a los bolos
to play chess
jugar al ajedrez
to play football
jugar al fútbol
to play hockey
jugar al hockey
to play tennis
jugar al tenis
to play the drums
tocar la batería
to play the guitar
tocar la guitarra
to play the piano
tocar el piano
to play with the computer
jugar con la computadora
to read
to relax
to rent a video
alquilar un vídeo
to ride a horse
andar a caballo, cabalgar
to ride a bike
andar en bicicleta
to ride a motorbike
andar en motocicleta
to sing
to skate
to ski
to sleep
to watch a film
mirar una película
to watch TV
mirar televisión

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

Kids vocabulary - Weather - How's the weather? - Learn English for kids ...

Let´s learn  new vocabulary- try to remember the way as each word about weather is written.


ESTANDAR BASICO DE COMPETENCIA: Comprendo textos cortos de cierta dificultad  sobre actividades cotidianas, de mi interés, sobre otras asignaturas y mi entorno social. 
DBA: Responde a preguntas relacionadas con el "como" “que”, “quien”, “cuando” después de leer  un texto corto y sencillo.
  1. 1.     Repasar el vocabulario visto correspondiente a: THE WEATHER (tiempo atmosférico visto en clase).

        Subrayar todas las palabras transparentes o similares en inglés y español en el texto dado: Two people talking about THE WEATHER.
3.     Hacer en el cuaderno la lista de palabras desconocidas y buscarlas en el diccionario.
4.     Hacer la traducción del texto.
5.     Desarrollar las preguntas de selección múltiple al final del texto.
Two people talking about (1.) _________________
John: David, (2.) _________________ about the weather news lately? Our Earth’s average temperature is increasing rapidly. The average temperature rose around 1.33°F (0.74ºC) on the last 100 years.
David: John, yes, it is evident through scientific researches that the Earth’s (3.) _________________ is increasing. However, this does not mean that the temperature arose only during the last 100 years.

: (4.) _________________

: Look, John! Human beings invented thermometer like 100 or 150 years ago so they only have the statistics for the last 100-150 years. It does not mean that the average temperature increased only in this period. It can also be said that it is rising since (5.) _________________. Don’t you think it is possible?

: Yes. It can be possible. Do you know how international organizations are dealing with it? Has any country reduced their (6.) _________________

: There is an organization working in this sector which appoints certain carbon credits to the countries (7.) _________________their carbon emissions, pollution and other such factors which are affecting the Earth’s temperature.
(1.) _________________
    •  the time
    •  the weather
    •  the pollution

(2.) _________________
 have you heard
 do you heard
 did you Heard

(3.) _________________
    •  atmosphere
    •  layers
    •  temperatura

(4.) _________________
  •  What is the weather like in Japan?
  •  What are you talking about?
  •  Where have you been?

(5.) _________________
  •  Earth’s destruction
  •  Earth’s creation
  •  Earth’s progress

(6.) _________________
  •  carbon emissions?
  •  carbon food?
  •  Carbon bicycles?

(7.) _________________
  •  based of
  •  based in
  •  based on

Como recomendación de actividades de repaso o para afianzar las competencias requeridas, está la de visitar los siguientes blogs creados por la profesora de inglés como estrategia de recursos pedagógicos y tecnológicos. Allí pueden revisar las entradas que se han realizado, revisarlas las veces que deseen y  a la vez que pueden ser usados como medios para comunicar sus inquietudes o retroalimentar las mismas. También ambos blogs ofrecen la posibilidad de usar otros links o enlaces importantes para navegar y explorar según los gustos y necesidades. Ellos son:  (17 enlaces – WEBS FOR LEARNING ENGLISH)  (18 enlaces- WEBS FOR LEARNING ENGLISH)

En este link podrá descargar los textos completos Way To Go para grados 6, 7 y 8. Esta serie se alinea con la progresión del Currículo Sugerido de inglés y apunta a apoyar el desarrollo de una competencia comunicativa.

Aquí encontrará un listado de sitios web sugeridos que contribuyen al desarrollo de las 4 habilidades comunicativas en inglés, consolidando, además, hábitos eficientes de aprendizaje.

Para fortalecer la escritura:

Para fortalecer la lectura:

Para fortalecer la escucha:

Para el habla:

martes, 7 de abril de 2020